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Team spirit is essential for a company’s success. There are various ways you can create this actively and purposefully:

  • Team building with a difference: active learning in the countryside

    • Actively experiencing something highlights what works.
    • Knowledge can be tested in exercises and thus even more firmly established.
    • These positive experiences support their sustainable application in daily working life.
    • The specially designed facility is located in Emmental
    • PDF

  • Oh I see – now I understand!

    • Team members know each other better and can interact with each other much more easily.
    • By using DISG profiles, participants recognise the differences in the team. They recognise the value and strengths of each individual and are aware of their personal areas of development. Agreements can be made which are then adhered to
    • PDF

  • Finally, time for a structured conversation! An effective dialogue while walking or hiking:

    • Participants take time to clarify issues, give each other feedback and agree how they want to work with one another.
    • New, creative ideas can be developed and finalised during the walk.
    • Conversations enable a new understanding for the other person’s situation and conflicts can therefore be avoided.
    • PDF

The initial consultation is free! I look forward to your call!